Example C4 Ordered response model


Rowan, Raudenbush, and Cheong (1993) analysed data from a 1990 survey of teachers working in 16 public schools in California and Michigan.  The schools were specifically selected to vary in terms of size, organizational structure, and urban versus suburban location. The survey asked the following question: 'if you could go back to college and start all over again, would you again choose teaching as a profession?' Possible responses were: 1 yes; 2 not sure; 3 no. We take the teachers response to this question as the response variable and try to establish if characteristics of the teachers and school help to predict their response to this question.





Rowan, B., Raudenbush, S., and Cheong, Y. (1993). Teaching as a non-routine task: implications for the organizational design of schools, Educational Administration Quarterly, 29(4), 479-500.



Data description


Number of observations (rows): 680

Number of variables (columns): 4


We use a subset of the data with the following:variables:


tcommit = the three-category measure of teacher commitment

taskvar = teachers' perception of task variety, this assesses the extent to which teachers followed the same teaching routines each day, performed the same tasks each day, had something new happening in their job each day, and liked the variety present in their work.

tcontrol = this is a school level variable, it is a measure of teacher control. This variable was constructed by aggregating nine-item scale scores of teachers within a school, it indicates teacher control over school policy issues such as student behaviour codes, content of in-service programs, student grouping, school curriculum, and text selection; and control over classroom issues such as teaching content and techniques, and amount of homework assigned.

schlid =  school identifier



The first few lines of the teacher2.dat data set looks like





Sabre commands


out teacher.log

trace teacher.trace

data tcommit tcontrol schlid

read teacher1.dat

case schlid

yvar tcommit

ordered y

constant cons


dis m

dis e


dis m

dis e

data tcommit taskvar tcontrol schlid

read teacher2.dat

case schlid

yvar tcommit

ordered y

constant cons

lfit tcontrol taskvar

dis m

dis e

fit tcontrol taskvar

dis m

dis e




Sabre log file


<S> trace teacher.trace

<S> data tcommit tcontrol schlid

<S> read teacher1.dat


        661 observations in dataset


<S> case schlid

<S> yvar tcommit

<S> ordered y

<S> constant cons

<S> lfit


    Iteration       Log. lik.         Step      End-points     Orthogonality

                                     length    0          1      criterion


        1          -794.26611        1.0000    fixed  fixed       695.53

        2          -760.55338        1.0000    fixed  fixed       546.97

        3          -729.92355        1.0000    fixed  fixed       415.75

        4          -703.71167        1.0000    fixed  fixed       306.32

        5          -683.74061        1.0000    fixed  fixed       225.25

        6          -671.62623        1.0000    fixed  fixed       91.297

        7          -664.94055        1.0000    fixed  fixed       102.17

        8          -664.93407        1.0000    fixed  fixed       198.41

        9          -664.93407        1.0000    fixed  fixed


<S> dis m


    X-vars            Y-var




    Univariate model

    Standard ordered logit


    Number of observations             =     661


    X-var df           =     0


    Log likelihood =     -664.93407     on     661 residual degrees of freedom


<S> dis e


    Parameter              Estimate         Std. Err.


    cut1                   0.17290          0.78082E-01

    cut2                    1.1831          0.91804E-01


<S> fit


    Initial Homogeneous Fit:


    Iteration       Log. lik.         Step      End-points     Orthogonality

                                     length    0          1      criterion


        1          -794.26611        1.0000    fixed  fixed       695.53

        2          -760.55338        1.0000    fixed  fixed       546.97

        3          -729.92355        1.0000    fixed  fixed       415.75

        4          -703.71167        1.0000    fixed  fixed       306.32

        5          -683.74061        1.0000    fixed  fixed       225.25

        6          -671.62623        1.0000    fixed  fixed       91.297

        7          -664.94055        1.0000    fixed  fixed       102.17

        8          -664.93407        1.0000    fixed  fixed       198.41

        9          -664.93407        1.0000    fixed  fixed



    Iteration       Log. lik.         Step      End-points     Orthogonality

                                     length    0          1      criterion


        1          -668.49604        1.0000    fixed  fixed       19.308

        2          -663.21677        1.0000    fixed  fixed       64.229

        3          -662.94056        1.0000    fixed  fixed       22.566

        4          -662.75542        0.5000    fixed  fixed       40.415

        5          -662.69386        1.0000    fixed  fixed       30.343

        6          -662.66613        0.5000    fixed  fixed       36.996

        7          -662.66290        1.0000    fixed  fixed       46.090

        8          -662.66290        1.0000    fixed  fixed


<S> dis m


    X-vars            Y-var             Case-var


                      tcommit           schlid


    Univariate model

    Standard ordered logit

    Gaussian random effects


    Number of observations             =     661

    Number of cases                    =      16


    X-var df           =     0

    Scale df           =     1


    Log likelihood =     -662.66290     on     660 residual degrees of freedom


<S> dis e


    Parameter              Estimate         Std. Err.


    cut1                   0.21711          0.12131

    cut2                    1.2480          0.13296

    scale                  0.33527          0.13507


<S> data tcommit taskvar tcontrol schlid

    --- new analysis begins

<S> read teacher2.dat


        650 observations in dataset


<S> case schlid

<S> yvar tcommit

<S> ordered y

<S> constant cons

<S> lfit tcontrol taskvar


    Iteration       Log. lik.         Step      End-points     Orthogonality

                                     length    0          1      criterion


        1          -781.22511        1.0000    fixed  fixed       687.60

        2          -748.47921        1.0000    fixed  fixed       555.28

        3          -718.45363        1.0000    fixed  fixed       440.45

        4          -692.12263        1.0000    fixed  fixed       344.28

        5          -670.56012        1.0000    fixed  fixed       232.94

        6          -654.29800        1.0000    fixed  fixed       28.848

        7          -634.26243        1.0000    fixed  fixed       13.519

        8          -634.05988        1.0000    fixed  fixed       10.852

        9          -634.05978        1.0000    fixed  fixed


<S> dis m


    X-vars            Y-var


    tcontrol          tcommit



    Univariate model

    Standard ordered logit


    Number of observations             =     650


    X-var df           =     2


    Log likelihood =     -634.05978     on     648 residual degrees of freedom


<S> dis e


    Parameter              Estimate         Std. Err.


    tcontrol               -1.5410          0.36060

    taskvar               -0.34881          0.87745E-01

    cut1                   0.19283          0.80942E-01

    cut2                    1.2477          0.95459E-01


<S> fit tcontrol taskvar


    Initial Homogeneous Fit:


    Iteration       Log. lik.         Step      End-points     Orthogonality

                                     length    0          1      criterion


        1          -781.22511        1.0000    fixed  fixed       687.60

        2          -748.47921        1.0000    fixed  fixed       555.28

        3          -718.45363        1.0000    fixed  fixed       440.45

        4          -692.12263        1.0000    fixed  fixed       344.28

        5          -670.56012        1.0000    fixed  fixed       232.94

        6          -654.29800        1.0000    fixed  fixed       28.848

        7          -634.26243        1.0000    fixed  fixed       13.519

        8          -634.05988        1.0000    fixed  fixed       10.852

        9          -634.05978        1.0000    fixed  fixed



    Iteration       Log. lik.         Step      End-points     Orthogonality

                                     length    0          1      criterion


        1          -647.63394        1.0000    fixed  fixed       3.8222

        2          -641.05401        0.5000    fixed  fixed      0.91543

        3          -638.78637        0.2500    fixed  fixed       1.6313

        4          -637.15574        0.1250    fixed  fixed       10.879

        5          -636.22360        0.5000    fixed  fixed       10.812

        6          -634.52722        1.0000    fixed  fixed       39.359

        7          -634.06129        1.0000    fixed  fixed       60.755

        8          -634.05979        1.0000    fixed  fixed       32.072

        9          -634.05978        1.0000    fixed  fixed


<S> dis m


    X-vars            Y-var             Case-var


    tcontrol          tcommit           schlid



    Univariate model

    Standard ordered logit

    Gaussian random effects


    Number of observations             =     650

    Number of cases                    =      16


    X-var df           =     2

    Scale df           =     1


    Log likelihood =     -634.05978     on     647 residual degrees of freedom


<S> dis e


    Parameter              Estimate         Std. Err.


    tcontrol               -1.5410          0.36060

    taskvar               -0.34881          0.87745E-01

    cut1                   0.19283          0.80942E-01

    cut2                    1.2477          0.95459E-01

    scale                  0.54780E-07      0.17659


<S> stop