and Numerical Properties)
section contains three sets of comparisons:
- Comparison of the timings
for quadrature based software on examples and
exercises from published papers and short courses on multilevel modelling
(Comparison 1). Performed using Sabre 4 in 2006 on a HPC
(103 dual-processor Sun-Blade
workstations). The different quadrature-based
software packages (when applicable) give the same likelihoods, estimates
and standard errors.
- Comparison of the timings
for quadrature based methods on a large event
history data set (Comparison 2). Performed
in 2006 using Sabre 4 on a HPC (103
dual-processor Sun-Blade workstations). The different quadrature-based software packages give the same
likelihood, estimates and standard errors.
- Comparison of timings and
numerical properties of the estimates for quadrature
based methods and MLwiN on examples and
exercises from published papers and short courses on multilevel modelling
(Comparison 3). Performed
in 2007 using Sabre 5 on a HPC (124 Sun Fire X4100 servers with two
dual-core 2.4GHz Opteron CPUs) and a desktop PC (AMD
Athlon 64 Processor 3400+) for MLwiN.