


Sabre manual

Syntax: CONSTANT variable
CONSTANT keyword=variable [ keyword=variable [ keyword=variable]] where keyword is FIRST, SECOND or THIRD.

Specifies the names of the constants.

CONSTANT variable specifies the name of the constant in univariate models.

CONSTANT FIRST=variable specifies the name of the first constant in bivariate or trivariate models.

CONSTANT SECOND=variable specifies name of the second constant in bivariate or trivariate models.

CONSTANT THIRD=variable specifies the name of the third constant in trivariate models.

For univariate models, the constant is a column of 1s. For bivariate models, the first constant takes the value 1 for the first risk and 0 for the second risk, and the second constant takes the value 0 for the first risk and 1 for the second risk. For trivariate models, the first constant takes the value 1 for the first risk and 0 for the second and third risks, etc. In multivariate models all of the covariates should be interacted with the constants to generate the appropriate regressors.

Sabre manual

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