Sabre |
Sabre manual |
Syntax: DISPLAY option where option is ESTIMATES or LIMITS or MODEL or SETTINGS or VARIABLES.
Purpose: If option is ESTIMATES, the parameter estimates and standard errors for the current model are displayed. These will include estimates and standard errors for the end-point parameters and scale parameter(s). If option is LIMITS, then information on the workspace will be displayed, including the amount of space used by the current model-fitting and by variable storage. Information on the maximum size of the model for your installation will also be given. If option is MODEL, the current list of variables in the model will be given, together with the value of the deviance (minus twice the log-likelihood) and degrees of freedom for that model. For nested models, changes in the deviance and degrees of freedom are also displayed. If option is SETTINGS, the current settings of the ALPHA, TOLERANCE, CONVERGENCE, MAXIMUM, APPROXIMATE, ARITHMETIC, MASS, MODEL, FAMILY, LINK, CORRELATED, ORDERED, ORDINAL, OFFSET, LAG, MARKOV, ENDPOINTS, and ROBUST commands along with the initial values of all parameters will be given. If option is VARIABLES, SABRE will display a list of currently defined variables together with their number of levels and information on the current settings for the CASE and YVAR variables. Note that option may be abbreviated to E, L, M, S or V. |
Sabre manual |
Other links: Centre for e-Science | Centre for Applied Statistics